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DU 21eme siècle


« The 21st century will be characterized by massive interconnectivity, global economic integration, extreme diversity – but also immense scarcity of resources. To respond to this new global reality, we need an inclusive economic model that leverages the grassroots ingenuity of all citizens to co- create « bottom up » solutions that address societal needs in an affordable and sustainable manner. I foresee two big shits in the way we innovate in coming decades. The first shift is towards “frugal innovation,” that is the ability to create frugal products and services that maximize value for all stakeholders (consumers, shareholders, society at large) while minimizing use of scarce resources (water, energy, time). …But I also foresee a second shift towards “global innovation networks”—which represent a new collaborative market structure that combines the high-tech talent and scientific expertise of Western hemisphere with the resilient ingenuity and “street-smarts” of developing nations to co-create frugal solutions that deliver greater value to the global community. »

Lire l'interview dans le livre: 

"J’innove, donc je suis ! Visionnaires du XXIe siècle". Editions L’Harmattan, Dr. Florin Paun, 2014

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